In today's contemporary age we mostly live in a "throw away" community where the cost of repairs tends to far exceed the cost of replacement. For example, when I was a kid, if an electric motor burned out, it was always rewired and new bearings put in and so fix was general - I should know, I started my working life doing it. But in 2010 it seems roughly no electric motors ever get repaired and it's been quicker, easier and more frugal to throw out the old in favor of a new one. In fact this is not always true that it is smarter to throw-out the old and the excellent example is the refurbishment of sash where often the cost of repairs is truly justified, providing the condition of the timber is capable of repair.
Certainly in some climates and geographic areas like Australia, termites may have thoroughly destroyed the timber and so fix is not possible. However, in areas such as London, this is unlikely to be true at all and providing you find the right refurbishment company, there is much greater economy if refurbishment than there is in the "quick-fix" transfer alternative. The issue is one of finding a true sash window refurbishment company rather than that only purports to be one. of course many say they are all about refurbishment but only use this as a ruse to bully you into accepting a quotation for thoroughly new sash windows.
The main advantage of finding a company that will undertake a refurbishment is that it will be true craftsman that work on your home. roughly any hack can setup new sash windows, but only capability tradesman can faultless expert refurbishment work, and they never need to charge a fortune to get the job done. Real tradesmen enjoy the pleasure of a job well done.
Sash Window Refurbishment - Much best Than Buying New Replacements